Computes the cumulative hazard surface over two time scales
from a fitted model. The function is also called internally from plot()
if the user wants to plot the cumulative hazard from a fitted model.
plot_grid = NULL,
cause = NULL,
midpoints = FALSE,
where_slices = NULL,
direction = c("u", "s", NULL),
tmax = NULL
- fitted_model
(optional) The output of the function
. This is an object of class'haz2ts'
.- plot_grid
(optional) A list containing the parameters to build a new finer grid of intervals over
for plotting. This must be of the form:plot_grid = list(c(umin, umax, du), c(smin, smax, ds))
are the minimum and maximum values desired for the grid-points overu
respectively, anddu
are distances between two adjacent points overu
respectively. Specifying a new denser grid is used to evaluate the B-spline bases used for estimation on such grid and plot the estimated surfaces with a greater level of detail. If not specified, the plotting is done using the same B-splines bases as for the estimation. The function will check if the parameters for the grid provided by the user are compatible with those originally used to construct the B-splines for estimating the model. If not, the grid will be adjusted accordingly and a warning will be returned.
- cause
a character string with a short name for the cause (optional).
- midpoints
A Boolean. Default is
, the estimated quantities are evaluated at the midpoints of the rectangles (or parallelograms) of the grids, rather than at each grid-point.- where_slices
A vector of values for the cutting points of the desired slices of the surface. This option is included mostly for the plotting function. When using
, the user selectswhich_plot = "cumhaz"
andcumhaz_slices = TRUE
, thenwhere_slices
indicates the location of the cutting points over theu
time.- direction
If cross-sectional one-dimensional curves are plotted, this indicates whether the cutting points are located on the
time, or on thes
time. For plots of the cumulative hazards, only cutting points over theu
time are meaningful.- tmax
The maximum value of
that should be plotted.
A list with the following elements:
* Haz
a list of estimated hazard and associated SEs
(obtained from the function get_hazard_2d
* CumHaz
the cumulated hazard estimate over u
and s
* cause
(if provided) the short name for the cause.
# Create some fake data - the bare minimum
id <- 1:20
u <- c(5.43, 3.25, 8.15, 5.53, 7.28, 6.61, 5.91, 4.94, 4.25, 3.86, 4.05, 6.86,
4.94, 4.46, 2.14, 7.56, 5.55, 7.60, 6.46, 4.96)
s <- c(0.44, 4.89, 0.92, 1.81, 2.02, 1.55, 3.16, 6.36, 0.66, 2.02, 1.22, 3.96,
7.07, 2.91, 3.38, 2.36, 1.74, 0.06, 5.76, 3.00)
ev <- c(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)#'
fakedata <-, u, s, ev))
fakedata2ts <- prepare_data(u = fakedata$u,
s_out = fakedata$s,
ev = fakedata$ev,
ds = .5)
#> `s_in = NULL`. I will use `s_in = 0` for all observations.
#> `s_in = NULL`. I will use `s_in = 0` for all observations.
# Fit a fake model - not optimal smoothing
fakemod <- fit2ts(fakedata2ts,
optim_method = "grid_search",
lrho = list(seq(1 ,1.5 ,.5),
seq(1 ,1.5 ,.5)))
# Obtain the fake cumulated hazard
fakecumhaz2ts <- cumhaz2ts(fakemod)