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fit1ts() fits a smooth hazard model with one time scale.

Three methods are implemented for the search of the optimal smoothing parameter (and therefore optimal model): a numerical optimization of the AIC or BIC of the model, a search for the minimum AIC or BIC of the model over a grid of \(\log_{10}\) values for the smoothing parameter and the estimation using a sparse mixed model representation of P-splines. Construction of the B-splines basis and of the penalty matrix is incorporated within the function. If a matrix of covariates is provided, the function will estimate a model with covariates.


  data1ts = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  r = NULL,
  Z = NULL,
  bins = NULL,
  Bbases_spec = list(),
  Wprior = NULL,
  pord = 2,
  optim_method = c("ucminf", "grid_search", "LMMsolver"),
  optim_criterion = c("aic", "bic"),
  lrho = 0,
  ridge = 0,
  control_algorithm = list(),
  par_gridsearch = list()



(optional) an object created by the function prepare_data(). Providing this input is the easiest way to use the function fit1ts. However, the user can also provide the input data together with a list of bins, as explained by the following parameters' descriptions.


A vector of event counts of length ns, or an array of dimension ns by n.


A vector of exposure times of length ns, or an array of dimension ns by n.


(optional) A regression matrix of covariates of dimension n by p.


a list with the specification for the bins. This is created by the function prepare_data. Alternatively, a list with the following elements can be provided: * bins_s is a vector of intervals for the time scale s. * mids is a vector with the midpoints of the intervals over s. * ns is the number of bins over s.


A list with the specification for the B-splines basis with the following elements:

  • bdeg The degree of the B-splines basis. Default is 3 (for cubic B-splines).

  • nseg_s The number of segments for the B-splines over s. Default is 10.

  • min_s (optional) The lower limit of the domain of Bs. Default is min(bins_s).

  • max_s (optional) The upper limit of the domain of Bs. Default is max(bins_s).


An optional vector of a-priori weights.


The order of the penalty. Default is 2.


The method to be used for optimization: "ucminf" (default) for the numerical optimization of the AIC (or BIC), "grid_search" for a grid search of the minimum AIC (or BIC) over a grid of \(\log_{10}(\varrho_s)\) values, and "LMMsolver" to solve the model as sparse linear mixed model using the package LMMsolver.


The criterion to be used for optimization: "aic" (default) or "bic". BIC penalized model complexity more strongly than AIC, so that its usage is recommended when a smoother fit is preferable (see also Camarda, 2012).


A number if optim_method == "ucminf", default is 0. A vector of values for \(\log_{10}(\varrho_s)\) if optim_method == "grid_search". In the latter case, if a vector is not provided, a default sequence of values is used for \(\log_{10}(\varrho_s)\) .


A ridge penalty parameter: default is 0.


A list with optional values for the parameters of the iterative processes:

  • maxiter The maximum number of iteration for the IWSL algorithm. Default is 20.

  • conv_crit The convergence criteria, expressed as difference between estimates at iteration i and i+1. Default is 1e-5.

  • verbose A Boolean. Default is FALSE. If TRUE monitors the iteration process.

  • monitor_ev A Boolean. Default is FALSE. If TRUE monitors the evaluation of the model over the log_10(rho_s) values.


A list of parameters for the grid_search:

  • plot_aic A Boolean. Default is FALSE. If TRUE, plot the AIC values over the grid of log_10(rhos) values.

  • plot_bic A Boolean. Default is FALSE. If TRUE, plot the BIC values over the grid of log_10(rhos) values.

  • return_aic A Boolean. Default is TRUE. Return the AIC values.

  • return_bic A Boolean. Default is TRUE. Return the BIC values.

  • mark_optimal A Boolean. Default is TRUE. If the plot of the AIC or BIC values is returned, marks the optimal log_10(rho_s) in the plot.

  • main_aic The title of the AIC plot. Default is "AIC grid".

  • main_bic The title of the BIC plot. Default is "BIC grid".


An object of class haz1ts, or of class haz1tsLMM. For objects of class haz1ts this is

  • optimal_model A list with:

    • alpha The vector of estimated P-splines coefficients of length \(cs\).

    • SE_alpha The vector of estimated Standard Errors for the alpha coefficients, of length \(cs\).

    • beta The vector of estimated covariate coefficients of length \(p\) (if model with covariates).

    • se_beta The vector of estimated Standard Errors for the beta coefficients of length \(p\) (if model with covariates).

    • eta or eta0. The vector of values of the (baseline) linear predictor (log-hazard) of length \(ns\).

    • H The hat-matrix.

    • Cov The full variance-covariance matrix.

    • deviance The deviance.

    • ed The effective dimension of the model.

    • aic The value of the AIC.

    • bic The value of the BIC.

    • Bbases a list with the B-spline basis Bs (this is a list for compatibility with functions in 2d).

  • optimal_logrho The optimal value of log10(rho_s).

  • P_optimal The optimal penalty matrix P.

  • AIC (if par_gridsearch$return_aic == TRUE) The vector of AIC values.

  • BIC (if par_gridsearch$return_bic == TRUE) The vector of BIC values.

Objects of class haz1tsLMM have a slight different structure. They are a list with:

  • optimal_model an object of class LMMsolve

  • AIC_BIC a list with, among other things, the AIC and BIC values and the ED of the model

  • n_events the number of events

  • ns the number of bins over the s-axis

  • cs the number of B-splines over the s-axis

  • covariates an indicator for PH model


Some functions from the R-package LMMsolver are used here. We refer the interested readers to for more detail on LMMsolver and its usage.


Boer, Martin P. 2023. “Tensor Product P-Splines Using a Sparse Mixed Model Formulation.” Statistical Modelling 23 (5-6): 465–79.'


## preparing data - no covariates
dt1ts <- prepare_data(data = reccolon2ts,
                      s_in = "entrys",
                      s_out = "timesr",
                      events = "status",
                      ds = 180)

## fitting the model with fit1ts() - default options, that is ucminf optimization

mod1 <- fit1ts(dt1ts)

## fitting with LMMsolver
mod2 <- fit1ts(dt1ts,
              optim_method = "LMMsolver")

## preparing the data - covariates

dt1ts_cov <- prepare_data(data = reccolon2ts,
                      s_in = "entrys",
                      s_out = "timesr",
                      events = "status",
                      ds = 180,
                      individual = TRUE,
                      covs = c("rx", "node4", "sex"))

## fitting the model with fit1ts() - grid search over only two log_10(rho_s) values

mod3 <- fit1ts(dt1ts_cov,
               optim_method = "grid_search",
               lrho = c(1, 1.5))