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imageplot_SE() plots an image of the SEs of the two time scales hazard with contour lines.


imageplot_SE(x, y, z, plot_options = list(), ...)



The coordinates for the x-axis. This is a vector of intervals over the u axis (default), a matrix with the corner points of the parallelograms over the t time scale, or a vector of intervals for the t time scale.


The coordinates for the y-axis. This is a vector of intervals over the s time scale (default), or a matrix with the corner points of the parallelograms over the s time scale.


The values of the surface to plot, organized in a matrix with dimensions compatible with those of x and y. These can be the SEs for the hazard, the SEs for the log-hazard or the SEs for the log10-hazard.


A list of options for the plot:

  • loghazard A Boolean. Default is FALSE. If FALSE the function returns a plot of the standard errors of the hazard surface, if TRUE the function returns a plot of the standard errors of the log-hazard surface.

  • log10hazard A Boolean. Default is FALSE. If TRUE, the function returns a plot of the standard errors of the log10-hazard surface

  • original A Boolean. Default is TRUE. Plot the (log-)hazard in the (t,s)-plane. If FALSE, the (log-)hazard will be plotted in the (u,s)-plane.

  • rectangular_grid A Boolean. Default is FALSE. If TRUE, a rectangular grid is used for plotting also in the (t,s)-plane as opposed to the grid of parallelograms used as default in the (t,s)-plane.

  • col_palette A function defining the color palette. The default palette is rev(colorspace::sequential_hcl(n = 50, "Red-Purple")).

  • n_shades The number of color shades to plot, default is 50.

  • breaks The vector of breaks for the color legend. If n_shades is provided, this should be of length n_shades + 1. Otherwise, n_shades will be recalculated accordingly.

  • show_legend A Boolean. Default is TRUE. If FALSE no legend will be plotted, useful for multi-panel figures with common legend. Works only for plots on rectangular grid!

  • tmax The maximum value of t that should be plotted.

  • main The title of the plot.

  • xlab The label of the first time axis (plotted on the x axis).

  • ylab The label of the second time axis (plotted on the y axis).

  • xlim A vector with two elements defining the limits of the time scale on the x axis.

  • ylim A vector with two elements defining the limits of the time scale on the y axis.

  • cex_main The magnification to be used for the main title, default is 1.2.

  • cex_lab The magnification to be used for the axis labels, default is 1.

  • contour_lines A Boolean. Default is FALSE. If TRUE white contour lines are added to the surfaces.

  • contour_col The color for the contour lines. Default is white.

  • contour_cex The magnification to be used for the contour lines. Default is .8.

  • contour_nlev The number of contour levels. Default is 10.


Further arguments to image.plot or image


An image plot of the SEs for the (log-) hazard surface.