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make_bins() constructs the bins over the time axes and saves the extremes of the bins in a vector.


  t_in = NULL,
  t_out = NULL,
  u = NULL,
  s_in = NULL,
  min_t = NULL,
  max_t = NULL,
  min_u = NULL,
  max_u = NULL,
  min_s = NULL,
  max_s = NULL,
  dt = NULL,
  du = NULL,



(optional) A vector of entry times on the time scale t.


(optional) A vector of exit times on the time scale t.


(optional) A vector of fixed-times at entry in the process.


(optional) A vector of entry times on the time scale s.


A vector of exit times on the time scale s.


(optional) A minimum value for the bins over t. If NULL, the minimum of t_in will be used.


(optional) A maximum value for the bins over t. If NULL, the maximum of t_out will be used.


(optional) A minimum value for the bins over u. If NULL, the minimum of u will be used.


(optional) A maximum value for the bins over u. If NULL, the maximum of u will be used.


(optional) A minimum value for the bins over s. If NULL, the minimum of s_in will be used.


(optional) A maximum value for the bins over s. If NULL, the maximum of s_out will be used.


(optional) A scalar giving the length of the intervals on the t time scale.


(optional) A scalar giving the length of the intervals on the u axis.


A scalar giving the length of the intervals on the s time scale.


A list with the following elements:

  • bins_t if t_out is provided, this is a vector of bins extremes for the time scale t

  • midt if t_out is provided, this is a vector with the midpoints of the bins over t

  • nt if t_out is provided, this is the number of bins over t

  • bins_u if u is provided, this is a vector of bins extremes for u axis

  • midu if u is provided, this is a vector with the midpoints of the bins over u

  • nu if u is provided, this is the number of bins over u

  • bins_s is a vector of bins extremes for the time scale s

  • mids is a vector with the midpoints of the bins over s

  • ns is the number of bins over s


It allows construction of bins over the time scales t and s and/or over the fixed-time axis u. The time scale s is always required. See also prepare_data() to conveniently prepare individual data for the analysis with one, or two time scales.

A few words about constructing the grid of bins. There is no 'golden rule' or optimal strategy for setting the number of bins over each time axis, or deciding on the bins' width. It very much depends on the data structure, however, we try to give some directions here. First, in most cases, more bins is better than less bins. A good number is about 30 bins. However, if data are scarce, the user might want to find a compromise between having a larger number of bins, and having many bins empty. Second, the chosen width of the bins (that is du and ds) does depend on the time unit over which the time scales are measured. For example, if the time is recorded in days, as in the example below, and several years of follow-up are available, the user can split the data in bins of width 30 (corresponding to about one month), 60 (about two months), 90 (about three months), etc. If the time scale is measured in years, then appropriate width could be 0.25 (corresponding to a quarter of a year), or 0.5 (that is half year). However, in some cases, time might be measure in completed years, as is often the case for age. In this scenario, an appropriate bin width is 1.

Finally, it is always a good idea to plot your data first, and explore the range of values over which the time scale(s) are recorded. This will give insight about reasonable values for the arguments min_s, min_u, max_s and max_u (that in any case are optional).


# Make bins for colon cancer data by time at randomization and time since recurrence
bins <- make_bins(u = reccolon2ts$timer, s_out = reccolon2ts$timesr,
                 du = 30, ds = 30)
#> `s_in = NULL`. I will use `s_in = 0` for all observations.
# Make bins for colon cancer data only over time since recurrence
bins <- make_bins(s_out = reccolon2ts$timesr, ds = 60)
#> `s_in = NULL`. I will use `s_in = 0` for all observations.