Time-to-event data can involve more than one time scale. In such cases, the hazard of one event can be expressed as a function of two time dimensions. The two time scales act jointly to determine the hazard levels.
The TwoTimeScales
package allows the user to estimate
and visualize the hazard of one event as a smooth function of two time
dimensions (the two time scales). Additionally, it provides functions to
estimate and visualize a smooth hazard with one time scale.
The hazard is estimated as a two-dimensional -splines model for count data with offset.
When working with time-to-event data with multiple time scales, there are three main steps involved:
- data wrangling and preparation
- estimation of the smooth hazard model
- visualization of the results
This document introduces the main tools in the package
and demonstrates how to apply them to smooth
hazards with one or two time scales. This vignette serves as an
introduction to the package, and it is therefore a good place to start
for new users of the package. We also provide three additional, more
specialized vignettes.
Data: reccolon2ts
We use data from a clinical trial on colon cancer and the effects of
two adjuvant therapies after colon resection (Laurie et al. 1989; Moertel et al. 1995). The
original data are included in the R-package survival
(Therneau 2020), see
. Patients were followed, after
resection of the colon, from randomization into one of the two treatment
groups or the control group (no treatment), to death or end of the
study. The two treatments were either Levamisole, a drug showing
immunostimulatory activity, or a combination of Levamisole and
Fluorouracil, a moderately toxic chemotherapy agent.
The dataset colon
contains 929 individuals, and 468
(50.4%) experienced a recurrence of the cancer during follow-up period.
However, seven patients with recurrence left the risk set at the
recorded time of recurrence, leaving 461 who were followed up further.
In the dataset reccolon2ts
we include these 461
individuals. A description of the data and the variables can be accessed
through help(reccolon2ts)
There are two time scales in the reccolon2ts
data: The
time from randomization to death or censoring, measured in days since
randomization reccolon2ts$timedc
and the time since
recurrence of the cancer reccolon2ts$timesr
, also measured
in days. Additionally, we consider another variable, measuring the time
from randomization to recurrence reccolon2ts$timer
. The
latter is not a time scale, but a fixed time covariate which varies
among individuals in the data.
In the original dataset, each individual enters the risk set after
recurrence at the exact time of the recurrence. Therefore, individual’s
observations are not left truncated. However, to show how the model can
easily incorporate left truncation, we introduced some artificial left
truncated entry times for 40 individuals in the dataset,
(on the time since recurrence scale),
and reccolon2ts$entryt
(on the time since randomization
'data.frame': 461 obs. of 25 variables:
$ id : num 1 3 4 5 6 7 13 14 16 17 ...
$ study : num 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ rx : Factor w/ 3 levels "Obs","Lev","Lev+5FU": 3 1 3 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 ...
$ sex : Factor w/ 2 levels "female","male": 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 ...
$ age : num 43 71 66 69 57 77 64 68 68 62 ...
$ obstruct: num 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 ...
$ perfor : num 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
$ adhere : num 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ...
$ nodes : num 5 7 6 22 9 5 1 3 1 6 ...
$ status : num 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 ...
$ differ : Factor w/ 3 levels "well","moderate",..: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
$ extent : Factor w/ 4 levels "submucosa","muscle",..: 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
$ surg : Factor w/ 2 levels "short","long": 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 ...
$ node4 : num 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 ...
$ timedc : num 1521 963 293 659 1767 ...
$ etype : num 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
$ timer : num 968 542 245 523 904 ...
$ entrys : num 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88 ...
$ timesr : num 553 421 48 136 863 ...
$ entryt : num 968 542 245 523 904 ...
$ timedc_y: num 4.164 2.637 0.802 1.804 4.838 ...
$ timesr_y: num 1.514 1.153 0.131 0.372 2.363 ...
$ entrys_y: num 0 0 0 0 0 ...
$ entryt_y: num 2.65 1.484 0.671 1.432 2.475 ...
$ timer_y : num 2.65 1.484 0.671 1.432 2.475 ...
Before we illustrate how to work with the package, a clarification about notation is needed. In our two time scales model notation, we indicate the two time scales with and , and the fixed time at entry in the process is indicated with . Whenever we refer to models with one time scale only, we mostly consider this to be the time scale indicated by (as opposed to the most common used notation ). Therefore, in all the functions that require the individual times as inputs, the only required inputs will be indicated with (rather than ).
Step 1: data preparation
Time-to-event data come in the form of a time variable, indicated with , where and a variable which contains the event indicator. In the simplest time-to-event models, there is only one type of event, so that this event indicator can only assume values 0 and 1.
To apply the
model for the hazard we need to bin the individual data into aggregated
vectors of exposure times and event indicators. Therefore, the first
step of the analysis, will be data preparation. This step involves the
construction of the bins and the actual binning of the data. Both steps
are implemented and performed by the function
, which requires as inputs the individual
data vectors, and the desired specification for the bins. This function
works in the same way for the case of data with one time scale only, and
for data with two time scales. The only difference is in the inputs
required in each of the cases. We will now illustrate its use in both
One time scale only
For data over one time scale, the function requires as minimal inputs
only a vector of exit times (s_out
), a vector of events’
indicators (events
) and the desired bins’ size
). If the data are left truncated, the entry times can
be passed to the argument s_in
. These can be either
extracted from a dataset by using the argument data
passing the vector’s names in each respective argument, as illustrated
below, or by directly passing the vectors.
dt1ts <- prepare_data(data = reccolon2ts,
s_out = "timesr",
events = "status",
ds = 30)
> str(dt1ts)
List of 2
$ bins :List of 3
..$ bins_s: num [1:92] 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 ...
..$ mids : num [1:91] 15 45 75 105 135 165 195 225 255 285 ...
..$ ns : int 91
$ bindata:List of 2
..$ r: num [1:91] 13674 13070 12474 12002 11534 ...
..$ y: num [1:91] 14 24 16 11 24 22 20 10 24 26 ...
- attr(*, "class")= chr "data2ts"
> print(dt1ts)
An object of class 'data2ts'
List of 2
$ bins :List of 3
$ bindata:List of 2
- attr(*, "class")= chr "data2ts"
Range covered by the bins:
[1] 0 2730
Number of bins:
[1] 91
Overview of the binned data:
Total exposure time: 246018
Total number of events: 409
The object dt1ts
is a list with two elements. The first
element is a list of bins (bins_s
) with their midpoints
) and the number of bins (ns
). The second
element of the list is another list with the data binned, a vector of
exposures called r
and a vector of events’ counts
. By calling the method print(dt1ts)
, we
obtain additional information about the data, such as the range covered
by the bins, the total exposure time and the total number of events.
Two time scales
The same function is used to bin the individual data in a two-dimensional grid of rectangles (or squares) over and , or parallelograms in a Lexis diagram over and . The two time scales model is estimated over the half-plane . Therefore, we will here discuss only preparation of the data over and , and defer the discussion of the preparation over the Lexis diagram to the vignette dedicated to the analysis with two time scales.
dt2ts <- prepare_data(data = reccolon2ts,
u = "timer",
s_out = "timesr",
events = "status",
ds = 30)
> str(dt2ts)
List of 2
$ bins :List of 6
..$ bins_u: num [1:77] 8 38 68 98 128 158 188 218 248 278 ...
..$ midu : num [1:76] 23 53 83 113 143 173 203 233 263 293 ...
..$ nu : int 76
..$ bins_s: num [1:92] 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 ...
..$ mids : num [1:91] 15 45 75 105 135 165 195 225 255 285 ...
..$ ns : int 91
$ bindata:List of 2
..$ R: num [1:76, 1:91] 205 243 540 796 474 812 506 746 657 517 ...
..$ Y: num [1:76, 1:91] 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 ...
- attr(*, "class")= chr "data2ts"
> print(dt2ts)
An object of class 'data2ts'
List of 2
$ bins :List of 6
$ bindata:List of 2
- attr(*, "class")= chr "data2ts"
Range covered by the bins:
[1] 8 2288
[1] 0 2730
Number of bins:
[1] 76
[1] 91
Overview of the binned data:
Total exposure time: 246018
Total number of events: 409
We have now included only one additional input u
, that
is the vector with the individuals’ time at recurrence of the cancer.
The object dt2ts
has the same structure as
, but with additional bins over
, midu
and nu
). The data
are now matrices R
and Y
of dimension
by ns
Including covariates
If we want to estimate a proportional hazard model with covariates a
different structure of the data is required (see Carollo et al. (2024)). The data are augmented
by one dimension. So, for the model with one time scale only, we need to
create a matrix of exposure times R
with dimension
(number of individuals in the data) by ns
(number of bins). The same goes for the matrix of event counts. For the
model with two time scales, each observation in the sample will be
represented by its own matrix of exposure times and matrix of event
indicators. Therefore, the data for the whole sample can be arranged in
three-dimensional arrays, with dimensions nu
by n
. The function
does exactly so by specifying the optional
input individual = TRUE
. It is possible, and recommended,
to provide the covariates that one wishes to use in the PH model in the
extra argument covs
. The function will take care of the
preparation of the regression matrix Z
. However, if
desired, this can also be prepared externally (in which case a warning
will be returned).
dt2ts_cov <- prepare_data(data = reccolon2ts,
u = "timer",
s_in = "entrys",
s_out = "timesr",
events = "status",
ds = 30,
individual = TRUE,
covs = c("rx", "node4", "sex"))
> str(dt2ts_cov)
List of 2
$ bins :List of 6
..$ bins_u: num [1:77] 8 38 68 98 128 158 188 218 248 278 ...
..$ midu : num [1:76] 23 53 83 113 143 173 203 233 263 293 ...
..$ nu : int 76
..$ bins_s: num [1:92] 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 ...
..$ mids : num [1:91] 15 45 75 105 135 165 195 225 255 285 ...
..$ ns : int 91
$ bindata:List of 3
..$ R: num [1:76, 1:91, 1:461] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
..$ Y: num [1:76, 1:91, 1:461] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
..$ Z: num [1:461, 1:6] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 ...
.. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
.. .. ..$ : NULL
.. .. ..$ : chr [1:6] "rx_Lev" "rx_Lev+5FU" "sex_male" "adhere" ...
- attr(*, "class")= chr "data2ts"
> print(dt2ts_cov)
An object of class 'data2ts'
List of 2
$ bins :List of 6
$ bindata:List of 3
- attr(*, "class")= chr "data2ts"
Range covered by the bins:
[1] 8 2288
[1] 0 2730
Number of bins:
[1] 76
[1] 91
Overview of the binned data:
Total exposure time: 246018
Total number of events: 409
[1] "rx_Lev" "rx_Lev+5FU" "sex_male" "adhere"
[5] "obstruct" "node4"
The data are now the three-dimensional arrays, R
and a regression matrix Z
, where the
covariates are transformed in dummy variables (where needed). The print
method returns also the names of the dummy variables, so we can see that
from the variable rx
we obtained the two dummies
and rx_Lev+5FU
and from the variable
we obtained now the dummy variable
and female
reference categories, as well as not having more than four nodes).
Step 2: Estimation
One time scale
To estimate the model we use the function fit1ts()
. As
input to this function we pass the object returned from
. Without specifying additional parameters, the
function estimates a
model, by using numerical optimization of the AIC to find the optimal
smoothing parameter. The
basis is built using default options (see help(fit1ts)
details). However, for illustration, we now show how to specify the
basis to more closely match the data structure.
> str(m1ts)
List of 3
$ optimal_model :List of 9
..$ alpha : num [1:23, 1] -6.77 -6.58 -6.39 -6.25 -6.19 ...
..$ SE_alpha: num [1:23] 0.2276 0.123 0.0763 0.0744 0.0797 ...
..$ eta : num [1:91, 1] -6.56 -6.52 -6.48 -6.44 -6.4 ...
..$ H : num [1:23, 1:23] 0.07508 0.04686 0.02027 0.00324 -0.00366 ...
..$ deviance: num 79.4
..$ ed : num 4.25
..$ aic : num 87.9
..$ bic : num 98.6
..$ Bbases :List of 1
.. ..$ Bs: num [1:91, 1:23] 1.18e-01 5.02e-02 1.52e-02 2.05e-03 2.21e-07 ...
.. .. ..- attr(*, "x")= num [1:91] 15 45 75 105 135 165 195 225 255 285 ...
.. .. ..- attr(*, "xl")= num 0
.. .. ..- attr(*, "xr")= num 2730
.. .. ..- attr(*, "nseg")= num 20
.. .. ..- attr(*, "bdeg")= num 3
.. .. ..- attr(*, "type")= chr "bbase"
$ optimal_logrho: num 2.02
$ P_optim : num [1:23, 1:23] 105 -211 105 0 0 ...
- attr(*, "class")= chr "haz1ts"
Here, we specify a cubic (bdeg = 3
basis that covers the range of
from 0 to 2730 days (min_s
and max_s
respectively), and is built on 20 segments (nseg_s = 20
The object returned by fit1ts
is of class
. The first element is a list with the results of
the optimal model. The second element is the optimal smoothing parameter
(on the
and the last element is the penalty matrix, which incorporates the
optimal value of
The vignette Smooth hazards with one time scale discusses alternative options for estimation, in particular concerning the search for the optimal smoothing parameter.
Two time scales
Estimation over the
is performed in the same way. Here, we illustrate how to use the
function fit2ts()
, and again we will change the default
specifications of the marginal
bases, but otherwise use default values for the remaining inputs.
m2ts <- fit2ts(data2ts = dt2ts,
Bbases_spec = list(bdeg = 3,
nseg_s = 20,
min_s = 0,
max_s = 2730,
nseg_u = 16,
min_u = 0,
max_u = 2300))
> summary(m2ts)
Number of events = 409
Model specifications:
nu = 76
ns = 91
cu = 19
cs = 23
Optimal smoothing:
log10(rho_u) = 2.101313
log10(rho_s) = 0.4089259
rho_u = 126.2736
rho_s = 2.564046
Model with no covariates
Model diagnostics:
AIC = 1249.329
BIC = 1313.998
ED = 11.02155
Whereas the estimates from fit1ts
are vectors, the ones
from fit2ts
are organized in matrices: The matrix
, containing the estimated
And the matrix Eta of dimension
(90 by 91). Additionally, we have a list with the marginal
used for estimation (optimal_model$Bbases
), a vector of
values (optimal_logrho
) and finally the penalty matrix
) that incorporates the optimal penalty
The summary method is implemented for objects of class
, and it returns the model specifications, the
optimal smoothing parameters, the effective dimension (ED) and the model
fit as measured by the AIC and BIC of the model.
Step 3: Visualize the results
One time scale
Once the model is estimated, we can represent the results with the
function plot()
. The minimal input for plot()
is the fitted model. Here, we show how to evaluate the
basis on a finer grid of points that are only 10 days apart (as opposite
to 30, option that was used for the estimating
Moreover, we pass as inputs some graphical parameters to obtain a nicer
plot. The result is a plot of the one-dimensional hazard curve over
(time since recurrence), with accompany 95% confidence bands.
plot(x = m1ts,
plot_grid = c("smin" = 0, "smax" = 2730, "ds" = 10),
plot_options= list(
col = "darkblue",
main = "Hazard",
ylab = "hazard",
xlab = "time since recurrence",
cex_main = 1))
#### Two
time scales
There are several options to represent the smooth hazard with two
time scales. Here, we will present only the most simple, yet very
informative, way, which is also the default plot returned by the
function plot()
, applied to an object of class
. This is a surface plot of the hazard over the
with white contour lines. We provide a vignette that only focus on
visualization of the hazard with two time scales Visualize hazards
with two time scales.
plot(x = m2ts,
plot_grid = list(c("umin" = 0, "umax" = 2300, "du" = 10),
c("smin" = 0, "smax" = 2730, "ds" = 10)),
plot_options= list(
main = "Bi-dimensional hazard",
ylab = "time since recurrence",
xlab = "time since randomization",
cex_main = 1))